What Happened To The Bulldogs?

I consider myself a nice person. But as a nice person, I realize my shortcomings in business. For

Inspiration: A Creative’s Shangri-La Moment

[This is part three in a three-part series about the anatomy of an advertising creative’s

Intuition: A Creative's Secret Weapon

[This is part two in a three-part series about the anatomy of an advertising creative’s

The BS Meter: A Creative’s Early Warning System

[This is part one in a three-part series about the anatomy of an advertising creative’s brain.] Creatives

Advertising's Gooey Center

Here’s an astonishing fact: most multi-million dollar ad campaigns are riding on creative ideas

The World Needs Naysayers

Just tell me it can’t be done. I want you to. Just tell me I’m too short. Too dumb. Not talented

The Bad Account Director’s Toolkit

I’ve collaborated with at least two dozen Account Directors in my career and only three of them

The Guessing Game: What Does The Boss Really Want?

It goes like this: you’re briefed on a new project by agency planners, but the brief is a bit

Cultural Immersion - A Vital Key to Invigorating Your Brand

Successful advertising requires that we surprise people with newness, strangeness and otherworldliness.

There Are No Bad Clients

Recently, I was reminiscing about the many bad clients I’ve had over the past 20 years in advertising,

The Power Of Creative Ownership

There’s a major shift happening in ad agency creative departments. Projects that were typically

The Downside Of Creative Collaboration

There’s so much conversation these days about collaboration. More than ever, creative heads are

The Strategy Is All Wrong

How many times has this happened to you? The entire creative department is briefed on a new project

The Danger of Bringing Your Advertising In-House and Firing Your Ad Agency

Increasingly, big companies are bringing their marketing efforts in-house. It usually starts with

Angry People Change The World

Anger is generally considered to be a negative human attribute. But I’ve come to see that—not only

How Innovators Become Dinosaurs

It happens all the time. A person or company invents something that changes the world. They enjoy